One of the leading trends amongst diners is a growing preference for plant-based foods. While this style of eating was once solely associated with vegan and vegetarian lifestyles, an increasing cross-section of the community is now choosing to incorporate more plant-based food into their diets to reduce their environmental impact.
The Rise of the Flexitarian
The growth of plant-based has even resulted in a new class of diner, known as the flexitarian; a person who allows themselves the occasional meal containing meat or fish, but is essentially a vegetarian. The flexitarian diet is less about eliminating foods and more about adding healthy ones such as seeds, nuts, lentils and beans. These modern dietary choices are being driven by environmental and sustainability concerns as knowledge around food sourcing grows.

We’re Helping The Nation To Cook Meat Free With #CheatOnMeat
Our friends at Knorr® are on a mission to help make meat-free a nationwide food choice. With Knorr’s flavours and expertise, we want to get Britain cooking and eating meat-free meals, more often – which is better for both people and our planet. Find out more about our #CheatOnMeat initiative here.

Why Embrace Plant-Based? The Shocking Truth

The shocking reality is that 75% of our global food supply comes from just 12 crops and 5 animal species – when there are thousands of species that we could be eating. The world’s monotonous diets are placing far too much reliance on too few.
This is cause for great concern because the practices of cultivating single crops and relying heavily on animal-based foods are threatening food security, with serious consequences for our vulnerable natural ecosystems.
A key to promoting a healthier planet is to expand the variety of foods we grow and eat. As one of the world’s largest food brands, Knorr® believes it has a role to play in generating greater awareness of the food supply challenge, while also promoting positive solutions.

Introducing The Future 50 Foods
The Future 50 Foods report, published by Knorr® in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) plus leading scientists, nutritionists and agricultural experts, is a carefully curated list of varied, sustainable, plant-based food sources. These foods will help expand global biodiversity, improve nutrition and support our planet’s future for generations to come, with a view to reducing our reliance on a small base of crops. Find out more about the Future 50 Foods and how to incorporate them into your menu here.

For Many Consumers, It’s Also About Trying To Eat Better.
According to a 2020 Mintel report, the top reason consumers cite for cutting their meat consumption (32%) is that it ‘helps to improve health’1.
Kate Vlietstra, Mintel Global Food & Drink Analyst, said:
The rising popularity of flexitarian diets has helped to drive demand for meat-free products. Many consumers perceive that plant-based foods are a healthier option, and this notion is the key driver behind the reduction in meat consumption in recent years.
At Knorr® Professional, we provide chefs with an ever-expanding range of solutions, including vegetarian and vegan ingredients, supported by recipe ideas that provide the flexibility to meet any plant-based dietary request. Discover our wealth of recipe inspiration here, or contact your Unilever representative to find out more about how we can support your business to embrace plant-based.