


For the biscuits:

  • Strawberry jam 120.0 g
  • Plain flour 250.0 g
  • Butter 200.0 g
  • Icing sugar 100.0 g
  • Salt 2.0 g
  • Egg 100.0 g

For the strawberry mousse

A fun mix of strawberry jam, light airy mousse and crunchy Jammie dodger biscuits.



  1. For the biscuits:

    • Pre heat the oven 170 C.
    • Place the jam in a pan and bring to a medium heat, then pass through a sieve, allow to cool and place in a piping bag.
    • Place the flour, butter, icing sugar and salt into a mixing bowl, then with a paddle rub together the mixture until it resembles breadcrumbs.
    • Add the egg yolks and mix until a dough forms.
    • Turn out onto a floured surface and roll between two sheets of baking parchment until approx. 0.5cm thick.
    • Cut out 20 rounds with a cutter
    • Using a small fluted cutter make a hole in the middle of half of the biscuits.
    • Place on a baking tray and bake for 10-12 minutes, or until golden brown and crisp.
    • Remove from the oven and allow to cool.
    • Pipe the strawberry jam in the centre of the whole sables, then place the sable with the hole on top.
  2. For the strawberry mousse

    • Place the CARTE D'Or Strawberry Mousse Mix and milk into a mixing bowl and whisk on a low speed for 2 minutes and then 5 minutes on a fast speed.
    • Place in a piping bag.
  3. To assemble:

    • Pipe some strawberry mousse into the base of the glass, then top with some strawberry coulis. Pipe on some more of the mousse.
    • Chill and allow to set then top with a couple of the Jammie Dodgers.