


For Base:

For mash potato:

  • Vegan Butter 100.0 g
  • Seasoning (salt+pepper) 3.0 g
  • Potatoes 1000.0 g

To finish and serve;

  • Vegan Butter 50.0 g

Vegan version of a classic using 'The Vegetarian Butcher' NoMince.



  1. For Base:

    • Finely dice onions and carrots.
    • Sweat in a large pan with vegetable oil and bay leaf for 5 minutes till onions are translucent.
    • Add tomato puree and cook for a further 2 minutes.
    • Add 'The Vegetarian Butcher' NoMince (which does not need browning).
    • In separate pan bring water to boil and whisk in KNORR Gravy Granules for Meat Dishes. to thicken.
    • Add gravy to mince and cook out for 5 minutes.
    • Divide mixture into base of individual dishes.
  2. For mash potato:

    • Peel and cut potatoes evenly. About 5cm cubes.
    • Boil potatoes in pan till soft.
    • Drain well and place back in pan over low heat to dry out for 1 minute.
    • Push Potatoes through potato ricer and add vegan butter to enrich.
    • season and pipe mash potato over NoMince in the individual dishes..
  3. To finish and serve;

    • Melt the vegan butter and brush over the potato topping.
    • Cook in combi oven at 175c for 25 minutes till core temperature meets Food Safety Guidelines.
    • Suggest serving with Braised red cabbage and tender stem broccoli.